Google+ comments in Liferay

This post about how to use G+ comments in Liferay or how community allow you to do things quickly.

Few days ago Google anounced aviability to use G+ comments in their blogging platform (ok, in general it is strange why it is still not a part of their social platform G+, but it is another question and another story).

But internet community quickly realized that it is possible to use this feature not only in Blogger, but actually in any site. Here is a full article described how to do it.

Since we are using both, Liferay and Google services (especially Google Apps for Business), for me it was interesting to add G+ comments on our site, especially it looks like quite easy to do. But before implementing own jsp hook I decided to check, probably there are some solution already available on Liferay MarketplaceAnd I found almost what I need - Social Comments plugin from Mika Koivisto. It already has support for Disqus and Livefare, why simple do not add G+?

OK, what you will do in case you working working with non-open-source product? You will write feature request to the author, send all information how to implement and wait. How long? Who knows - probably days, probably weeks. Probably this feature will never be added. 

But hopefully we are living in open-source world and things are much easy here. Especially with nice tools like git (and github). So, I simple go to this plugin's repository on github, made a fork and in one hour added required changes to support G+ comments. In 1 hour I had a feature I need deployed into my site.

Of course another side of working in community - if you get something - it is nice to put something back. Again, git allows it do very simple via pull request - so, I created one back to initial author repository and hope Mika will accept my changes and release new version of plugin into Marketplace soon.

Until it is not done - you can build plugin by yourself from sources available on github or simple download ready to use war to deploy into you Liferay. It was tested to be working with Liferay 6.1.1 CE.

How it works you can see on this blog :)

