Liferay Partners in Eastern Europe

In early October, a meeting was held in Budapest, organized by Liferay, for partners working in the coverage area of Eastern Europe. EmDev Limited participated as a leading partner, along with WebTown, CROZ and other companies. Such meetings became traditional.

Representatives of the company Liferay, together with partners, worked out a strategy for the development of Liferay in this region. A special feature of this event was the promotion of the new flagship product Liferay Digital Experience Platform. Also, active consultations of partners, exchange of experience in implementation of information systems based on Liferay products were held.

One of the main principles of Liferay's work is independent development and assistance in the growth of partners. The outcome of the meeting for EmDev Limited was the prospect of implementing the Liferay Digital Experience Platform and the evolution of the digital strategy, which allows organizations to achieve digital transformation and provide better customer experiences.
